lose weight

The Ultimate Guide to Lose Weight: Unleash Your Potential

Understanding losing weight Following is a detailed breakdown of how many calories you should burn to lose weight : To lose weight  you have to create a calorie deficit. This means you need to reduce your daily calorie intake and increase the calories your body burns. To lose weight, you have to burn a total of 7,700 calories. This figure is based on the fact that one pound of fat equals approximately 3,500 calories and one kilogram is equal to approximately 2.2 pounds. This means you have to burn 3,500 x 2.2 = 7,700 calories to lose weight. This is a big figure, but it can be managed properly. Calorie deficit is a condition in which you consume fewer calories than your daily calorie target. For example, if your daily calorie goal is 2,000 calories and you only take in 1,500 calories, you are in a deficit of 500 calories. To lose weight, you have to maintain a calorie deficit on a regular basis. Most experts recommend creating a deficit of 500–1,000 calories per day, to achieve weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kilogram (1–2 pounds) a week. Thus, if you want to lose 1 kilogram per week, you will need to burn approximately 7,000 calories per week (1,000 calories x 7 days). However, it is important that you do not reduce your calorie intake too much as this can harm your metabolism and health. Also, it is important to exercise so that you can maintain your muscle mass and increase your metabolism. In short, to lose one kilogram of weight you need to burn 7,700 calories, but it is important to do it slowly and in a healthy way. How lose takes for a woman to lose weight 1 kg The following is a detailed breakdown of how many calories a woman should burn per day to lose weight and how long it will take: Active Woman: An active woman needs about 1,800-2,200 calories per day. If she wants to lose 1 kilogram, she will have to create a deficit of 500-1,000 calories per day. That means he should take only 1,300-1,700 calories. A deficit of 500 calories will result in a weight loss of approximately 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week. A 1,000 calorie deficit will result in a weight loss of about 2 pounds (0.9 kg) per week. Thus, losing 1 kg with a 500 calorie deficit will take about 2 weeks. It will take about 1 week to lose 1 kg with a 1,000 calorie deficit.   Less Active Woman: A less active woman needs about 1,600–2,000 calories per day. If she wants to lose 1 kilogram, she will have to create a deficit of 500-1,000 calories per day. That means he should take only 1,100-1,500 calories. A deficit of 500 calories will result in a weight loss of approximately 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week. A 1,000 calorie deficit will result in a weight loss of about 2 pounds (0.9 kg) per week. Thus, losing 1 kg with a 500 calorie deficit will take about 2 weeks. It will take about 1 week to lose 1 kg with a 1,000 calorie deficit. Important point: Determining the calorie deficit depends on the person’s age, sex, current weight, height, and physical activity level. There should not be a deficit of more than 1,000 calories as these increases the risk of malnutrition in the body. Adequate intake of protein and nutrients is important during weight loss. Regular exercise is also important as it helps increase metabolism and maintain muscle mass. Only gradual and steady weight loss is healthy and sustainable. How lose takes for a man to lose weight 1 kg Following is a detailed breakdown of how many calories a man should burn per day to lose lose and how long it will take: Active Man: An active male requires approximately 2,200–2,800 calories per day. If he wants to lose 1 kilogram, he will have to create a deficit of 500-1,000 calories per day. That means he should take only 1,700-2,300 calories. A deficit of 500 calories will result in a weight loss of approximately 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week. A 1,000 calorie deficit will result in a weight loss of about 2 pounds (0.9 kg) per week. Thus, losing 1 kg with a 500 calorie deficit will take about 2 weeks. It will take about 1 week to lose 1 kg with a 1,000 calorie deficit. Less Active Man: A less active male needs about 2,000–2,600 calories per day. If he wants to lose 1 kilogram, he will have to create a deficit of 500-1,000 calories per day. That means he should take only 1,500-2,100 calories. A deficit of 500 calories will result in a weight loss of approximately 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week. A 1,000 calorie deficit will result in a weight loss of about 2 pounds (0.9 kg) per week. Thus, losing 1 kg with a 500 calorie deficit will take about 2 weeks. It will take about 1 week to lose 1 kg with a 1,000 calorie deficit. Important point: Determining the calorie deficit depends on the person’s age, sex, current weight, height, and physical activity level. There should not be a deficit of more than 1,000 calories as this increases the risk of malnutrition in the body. Adequate intake of protein and nutrients is important during weight loss. Regular exercise is also important as it helps increase metabolism and maintain muscle mass. Only gradual and steady weight loss is healthy and sustainable. Women require fewer calories than men because they have a lower metabolic rate. Conclusion In conclusion, creating a calorie deficit is an effective method to lose weight, but it is important to implement it correctly and according to individual needs. For successful weight loss, you have to adopt a healthy lifestyle with patience and dedication. A combination of calorie deficit, exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management will facilitate your weight loss efforts. However, it is important that

pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin Seeds: Unlock the Powerhouse Benefits

Pumpkin seed Pumpkin seeds are rich in nutrients and are widely used in Indian cooking. More details about these are as follows: Origin: These seeds are obtained from pumpkin fruit. A pumpkin is a herbaceous fruit that grows like a tree and spreads on the ground. Taste and Texture: They taste slightly sweet and alum-like. Their texture is hard and crunchy. Nutrients: These seeds are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Omega 3 and zinc are also found in them. Uses: They are eaten as snacks in puffed rice or prepared as spicy snacks. These are also added to many vegetables and pulses. Benefits of pumpkin seeds Nutrient-rich: They also contain a high amount of nutrition so make sure to save the seeds too. They are high in protein and full of loads of vital vitamins, minerals, and plant precursors. They are high in vitamins K, E, and the B complex along with vitamins D, zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium. They are also rich in bioactive plant compounds including phytosterols, antioxidants, and phytic acid. They contain amino acids such as tryptophan and glutamic acid that are good for you. They are also abundant in high-fiber diets for easy digestion. If you think they eat and include it in a diet-balanced pumpkin seeds turn to you with Nutritional bombshells to do the same. Heart health Pumpkin seeds are packed with rich vitamins and minerals that are very good for the heart. They contain ingredients such as magnesium, phytosterols, and other nutritional substances that assist the heart. It also aids in regulating blood pressure and ensures that the arteries are flexible enough to allow blood flow. Aside from providing antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin E, phytosterols also lower cholesterol. Some vitamins and minerals are present in them to decrease the risk of heart disease, and other antioxidants and polyphenols are also contained in them. Other nutrients found in pumpkin seeds that are also believed to be heart-healthy include saturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids. Consequently, the consumption of pumpkin seeds as a part of your diet has a positive impact on heart-related issues. Digestive Health As mentioned earlier, pumpkin seeds are vital for sustaining the health and functionality of the body’s digestive system. Due to it’s high level of digestive fibre, it is useful in supporting digestive health. This assists in contracting and maintaining the health of the intestines, so bowel movement can be easily regulated. It also solves one of the major issues people face regarding the intestines, constipation. It also helps to reduce the rate of eating, as the body feels full for a longer time due to the consumption of fiber. Besides, the enzymes and antioxidants in the pumpkin seeds help enhance the digestive system. They also have the important function of maintaining the proper population of bacteria in the gut. Therefore, if pumpkin seeds are incorporated into a diet regime that encompasses appropriate nutrition, then our digestion system will be healthy. Diabetic control Diabetes can be easily managed with the help of these carriers. These food items consist of phytonutrients and several other nutritious components that are beneficial in controlling diabetes. Because of the high levels of phytosterols and antioxidants in them, they assist in raising the insulin sensitivity necessary for stabilizing blood glucose levels. Furthermore, the high fiber content in them ensures that sugar introduced into the bloodstream is taken slowly in small portions, thus assisting in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Besides, there are some nutrients, such as zinc and protein, that can also be effective in the management of diabetes. Fortunately, this claim proved to be true, meaning diabetic patients can now eliminate the disease by consuming pumpkin seeds. Stress management Another aspect that is worth mentioning is that pumpkin seeds help to manage stress. Tryptophan, an amino acid found in the body, generates melatonin and serotonin neurotransmitters. These nerve modulators play an important role in minimizing both mental and physical stress levels. They help calm the mind and put it to sleep. Also, pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, zinc, and other minerals that help manage stress. While the former helps in the relaxation of muscles, the latter supports emotional and mental well-being. The other antioxidants present in them also help fight stress factors in the body. Hair and skin It is very good for hair and skin, especially when used in hair masks and body lotions. These are rich sources of vitamin E, which is very useful for skin and hair. Vitamin E, well known as an antioxidant vitamin, also helps to reverse the damage to cells and strengthens the immune system. It strengthens hair, making them shiny, and enhances hair growth in the human population. In addition, it also has properties that keep the skin smooth, elastic, and not leathery. In addition to this, the content of zinc located in pumpkin seeds is truly beneficial to the health of one’s hair and skin. Zinc supplements assist in the diminishment of the predicament of hair loss as well as hair fall. Besides, it also helps in the development of new skin cells and the renewal of dead tissues on the skin’s outermost layer. The health of the hair and skin is also promoted by the proteins and all the other nutrients that are contained in the pumpkin seeds. Therefore, including pumpkin seeds in the daily diet may go a long way toward improving hair and skin. How to use benefits of pumpkin seeds Making Murmura: These seeds can be roasted or baked and eaten as puffed rice. It can be flavored with salt, chili, and other spices. Add to Salads: Roasted seeds can also be eaten by adding them to the salad. These make the salad nutritious and crunchy. Add to Dals and Vegetables: They can be cooked by adding them to pulses and vegetables. These enhance their taste and nutrients. Stuff in Paranthas: Parantha can be made by adding pumpkin seeds to the flour kernels. This makes paratha tasty and nutritious. Make

Boost Immune System

10 best ways to Boost Immune System Naturally

10 Ways to Boost Immune System Naturally Boost Immune System or strengthening your immune system by adopting a healthy lifestyle and through natural methods. This includes eating a balanced and nutritious diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, reducing stress and doing activities like yoga/meditation. It helps in increasing the body’s natural immunity. 10 exercises to naturally strengthen the body’s immune system are: 1. Running/jogging – Running or jogging is great for heart health and boost immune system naturally. It increases blood circulation in the body and supplies oxygen. Apart from this, metabolism also improves. 2. Cycling – Cycling is a great cardio exercise. It also helps to boost immune system naturally as well as weight control and strengthening muscles. 3. Yoga – Yoga has a good effect on both body and mind. Yoga asanas like Surya Namaskar, Tadasana, Padmasana, Bhujangasana and Dhanurasana boost immune system naturally. Yoga reduces stress in the body and also improves mental health. 4. Pranayama – Pranayama exercises like Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari and Bhastrika help you breathe better and increase oxygen supply in the body. These are helpful to boost immune system naturally. 5. Swimming – Swimming is a very beneficial exercise for the body. It strengthens all the muscles of the body and boosts immune system. 6. Jhulasana – Swinging is a very relaxing exercise. It increases blood circulation in the body and helps in reducing stress. Swinging in the fresh air is more beneficial. 7. Dancing – Dancing is an entertaining and good exercise for the body. Dancing produces happiness hormones called endorphins in the body, which reduce stress and boost immune system naturally. 8. Stretching and body movement exercises – Correct bending and stretching of various body parts in a moikalshaktman manner increases the flexibility of the body. Besides, it also improves blood circulation. 9. Sports – Sports like football, badminton, tennis and cricket increase blood circulation and help strengthen the immune system. These games also keep you happy. 10. Hitting the wall – Stand at a short distance from the wall and apply pressure on the wall with both hands. This exercise is good for the main organs of the body and boosts immunity. Apart from these exercises, eating a nutritious diet, getting good sleep and stress management also help in strengthening the body’s immune system. FAQs Question: Why is a strong immune system important? Answer: A strong immune system helps your body fight infections, illnesses, and diseases more effectively, reducing your risk of getting sick and helping you recover more quickly if you do get sick. Question: Can exercise really boost immune system naturally? Answer: Yes, regular moderate exercise has a positive effect on immune function and can help strengthen your body’s natural defenses against disease. Q: What types of exercises are best for boosting immunity? Answer: Exercises that involve moderate aerobic activity such as brisk walking, running, cycling or swimming are particularly beneficial for the immune system. Q: How much exercise is recommended for immune health? Answer: Most experts recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, spread throughout the week. Q: Can excessive exercise have a negative effect on the immune system? Answer: Yes, excessive or intense exercise without proper rest and recovery can actually suppress the immune system and put you at increased risk of illness or injury. Q: What other lifestyle factors can affect immune function? Answer: In addition to exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, stress management, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also contribute to a strong immune system. Q: Are there specific exercises or movements aimed at the immune system? Answer: While no single exercise directly targets the immune system, deep breathing exercises such as yoga or tai-chi may help reduce stress and improve overall immune function. Q: Can strength training also be beneficial for the strong immune system? Answer: Yes, moderate force training associated with aerobic exercise may also be beneficial for the immune system. Q: How long does it take for exercise to have an effect on immune function? Answer: The effects of exercise on the immune system can be seen within a few weeks of starting a regular exercise routine, but the benefits are greatest with lasting, long-term exercise. Written by – Pratima

benefits of cinnamon

Unlock 8 Powerful Benefits of Cinnamon for Your Health

About There is a large variety of benefits of cinnamon. But let’s also know about it a bit more. It is an important spice that is obtained from the bark of the cinnamon tree. Originally found in Sri Lanka in the early 16th century, it has now grown in many other countries. The bark of cinnamon is long, thin, and flexible, and its colour ranges from brown to reddish brown. Its aroma is a mixture of sweetness and spiciness. Cinnamon is used to flavour sweets, yeast products, tea, coffee, and many other dishes. It has antioxidant and anti-microbial properties and is also known to have medicinal properties. Cinnamon also helps with digestion and is effective in managing diabetes. Benefits of cinnamon Let’s understand how adding it to your diet can benefit you in different ways. Here are some commonly known benefits of cinnamon. 1. Diabetes Control: Cinnamon contains a polyphenol compound called methyl hydroxychloroquine (MHCP). This ingredient helps increase insulin sensitivity and control blood sugar levels. The pectin fiber present in cinnamon also reduces insulin resistance. Studies have shown that consumption of it can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in type-2 diabetic patients. 2. Weight Loss: The benefits of it are proven to be an effective aid in weight loss. The polyphenol compounds present in it increase the body’s metabolism, which leads to more calorie burning. Additionally, the fiber and powerful smell present in it reduce hunger signals in the body, thereby avoiding unnecessary eating. Apart from this, the compound called cinnamate present in it curbs the accumulation of fat in the body. It also reduces the risk of obesity-related diseases like metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help in weight loss by reducing inflammation in the body. Studies show that regular consumption of cinnamon is capable of reducing weight and waist fat to a great extent, provided it is used in the right quantity and combined with a balanced diet and exercise. 3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: It contains several anti-inflammatory compounds, such as cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and eugenol. These compounds reduce cytokines that cause inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to many diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and obesity, so consuming it may help reduce the risk of these diseases. 4. Cardiovascular health: The polyphenols and fiber present in it help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties protect the blood vessels. The antioxidants present in cinnamon also help reduce the risk of heart disease. Some studies have shown that regular consumption of cinnamon can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. 5. Neurological Benefits: It contains a compound called propanyl that may slow down the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. This occurs by reducing applied protein buildup in the body. Some other compounds in cinnamon may also reduce the risk of neurodegenerative problems like Parkinson’s disease. However, further study is needed on this topic. 6. Antioxidant Properties: Polyphenol antioxidants are found in abundance in cinnamon. These include combinations such as protocatechuic acid, caffeic acid, and flavonoids. These antioxidants protect the body from damage caused by free radicals and maintain cell integrity. The main antioxidant found in cinnamon is cinnamaldehyde. It is a bioactive compound that also has effective antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents damage by controlling free radicals in the body. Additionally, the eugenol present in it is also an important antioxidant. It is a terpene-based compound that also has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Overall, the various antioxidant combinations present in it protect the body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals and strengthen the immune system. This not only slows down the natural ageing process but also reduces the risk of many diseases. 7. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties: It contains compounds like cinnamaldehyde which have effective antimicrobial properties. These prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. It can be used to treat infections and yeast infections. 8. Hormonal Imbalance Several combinations present in cinnamon affect the levels of various hormones in the body. The methyl-hydroxychalcone polymers (MHCP) and other polyphenols present in it increase insulin sensitivity, thereby reducing insulin resistance and controlling blood sugar levels. These components are helpful in preventing conditions like diabetes and obesity. The antioxidant properties of cinnamon are helpful in removing excess androgen hormones like testosterone from the body. It reduces polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and other androgen-related problems. Additionally, its phytooestrogen properties help balance thyroid and oestrogen hormones. Cinnamon also regulates prolactin levels and encourages lactation by increasing the activity of mammary nerve fibers. Additionally, some studies indicate that cinnamon may also affect the menstrual cycle and menopausal symptoms. Conclusion It is highly beneficial and has a wide range of advantages for your health. By adding a small amount to your diet, you can really see the difference in your health slowly and eventually. By reducing insulin sensitivity, it is not only beneficial for people with diabetes but also helps them reduce their symptoms. In cases of hormonal imbalances like PCOS/D or menopausal symptoms, it shows promising changes in an individual by helping to regulate the menstrual cycle. While more research can and should be done to unlock more benefits from cinnamon, It is a small spice that promotes the health and well-being of individuals. However, to get these benefits of cinnamon, it is important to consume it in the right amount . Consuming it in excessive amounts can be harmful. It is also necessary to consult a doctor in cases of pregnancy and medication. Consuming it with proper guidance can be helpful in reducing hormonal imbalances.   Written By- Amisha

Benefits of ajwain

Benefits of ajwain and its uses

Benefits of ajwain and its uses What is ajwain? Ajwain is commonly referred to as carom seeds, is a spice widely used in Indian cuisine. It is a medicinal plant whose seeds are used as a spice. The scientific name of celery is Trachyspermum ammi, and it belongs to the Apiaceae family. Biological Background: Ajwain plant is an annual plant, which has small, soft leaves and white flowers. This plant is native to areas such as India, Iran, and Egypt. Appearance and Taste: Ajwain seeds are small, oval, and wavy. Their color is dark brown. They have a strong aroma and sour, pungent taste. Their flavor is comparable to that of thyme, but more pungent. Uses: Ajwain is used extensively in food, especially in Indian food. It is used to enhance the taste of lentil and vegetable dishes. Ajwain is also used in flatbreads like parathas and puris and breakfast items like pakoras. Medicinal properties: Ajwain is also used as an Ayurvedic medicine. It is known to provide good digestion and reduce gas. Ajwain is an important spice used in Indian kitchen, which makes the food tasty and healthy. Benefits of ajwain: Ajwain has many health benefits. Here are some of the major benefits of ajwain: Improves digestion power: Ajwain increases digestion power and reduces indigestion. The element called segnolin of carovel present in it improves the digestive system. Treatment of gas: Ajwain contains carvolol as a compound, which helps in reducing gas and diarrhea. Treatment of cough and cold: Ajwain has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which are beneficial in cough and cold. Treatment of arterial diseases: Anti-asthma properties present in celery are beneficial in arterial diseases. Combat arterial diseases with ajwain’s benefits, promotes heart health and improves circulation. Helpful in reducing weight: Consumption of ajwain can help in reducing diabetes and overweight. Reduction of menstrual pain: Ajwain seeds can help in reducing menstrual pain. These were some of the main health benefits of ajwain but note that excessive consumption can also cause many problems, so consume ajwain in moderation and gets all benefits of ajwain. How ajwain help to reduce weight? Ajwain, or carom seeds can help in losing weight because it contains an element called carvol, which helps in reducing your body fat by improving your digestion. Consuming ajwain improves your digestive system and helps in digesting food, thereby creating more useful energy for the body. Additionally, ajwain contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that meet your body’s needs and keep it healthy. But remember that consumption of ajwain should not be considered the only means of losing weight. It is important to create a balanced routine to lose weight by including ajwain along with the right diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Nutrients per Serving Ajwain, or carom seeds, is packed with many nutrients in every serving. Here’s a general overview: Fiber: Ajwain, or carom seeds contains a good amount of nutritious fiber, which helps in digestion and increases the feeling of fullness. Protein: It provides small but significant amounts of protein, which is essential for muscle repair and growth. Minerals: Ajwain, is a good source of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, which play important roles in bone health, energy production, and various healing processes. Vitamins: It provides vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Niacin, and Riboflavin, which play an important role in maintaining strength and immunity. Essential oils: Ajwain, contain essential oils such as thymol, which have antibacterial properties and contribute to its characteristic aroma and flavor. Note that the exact amount of the specified nutrient may vary depending on the size and quality of the ajwain seeds. It is always good to keep celery consumption a part of a balanced diet. What are the super benefits of ajwain water? (advantages of ajwain water) Ajwain water has many benefits. Here are some of the major benefits of ajwain water: Improves digestion: Ajwain water removes stomach problems by improving digestion. It helps in reducing stomach gas, constipation, and acidity. Helps in losing weight: Ajwain water can help in losing weight as it enhances digestion more closely and speeds up metabolism. Treatment of respiratory problems: Ajwain water helps in reducing cough and respiratory problems, can be especially beneficial for asthma patients. Excellent Source of Mineral Increase: Various minerals found in ajwain water, such as calcium, iron, and magnesium, are beneficial for mental health. Promotes the growth of babies: Consuming ajwain water in the mother’s milk makes the baby’s milk healthy, and it also promotes their growth. These were some of the main benefits of ajwain water but note that it should be consumed from time to time, and it is good to consult a doctor before consuming it. Written by – Pratima.

butter chicken

“Keto-Licious Butter Chicken: A Low-Carb Indulgence”

Butter chicken Butter chicken is also known as makhani murgha or murgh makhani. It is a famous dish originally originating from the Punjab region. It is prepared by cooking tandoori chicken in a creamy gravy of butter and curd. Its taste is sweet, salty and strong. Believe it or not butter chicken can be a part of keto diet. So let’s see how can we create this beautiful dish. Ingredients 500 grams chicken 2 tbsp ghee/butter 1 large onion finely chopped 1 tsp red chilli powder 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp garam masala 1 tsp coriander powder grind 2 tomatoes 1 cup curd salt as per taste Green chilli and coriander for garnishing Steps Marinating the Chicken: Place the chicken pieces in a bowl. Add salt and black pepper powder to it and mix well. Marinating chicken improves its taste and the spices penetrate deep inside. It can be marinated for half an hour. Roasting the Chicken: Heat ghee/butter in a pan. Add the marinated chicken pieces to the pan. Fry the chicken until it turns golden. This will allow the juice of the chicken to soak inside. Adding spices: Put the roasted onion in the pan and fry it. When the onion starts frying, add red chili powder, turmeric powder, garam masala and coriander powder. Fry these spices for some time so that they get good taste. Garnishing: Garnish the butter chicken with chopped green chillies and green coriander leaves. Serve it hot with naan, roti or rice. Nutritional Value of Butter Chicken: The amount of nutrients present in a typical serving (150 grams) of butter chicken is as follows:  Calories: Around 500-600 calories  Protein: 25-30 grams  Fat: 30-35 grams (of which saturated fat accounts for about 15-20 grams)  Carbohydrates: 20-25 grams  Fiber: 2-3 grams  Vitamin A: 10-15% RDA  Vitamin C: 15-20% RDA  Calcium: 4-6% RDA Iron: 10-15% RDA Butter chicken is rich in protein as it contains chicken. It also contains high amounts of fat and calories as it is made from butter/ghee and curd. Benefit of eating chicken Source of energy: Vitamin B-3, B-6 and B-12 are found in chicken which provide energy to the body. Strong bones: Phosphorus and niacin are found in chicken which help in strengthening bones. Muscle development: The proteins and amino acids found in chicken are helpful in muscle development. Improves digestion: The protein and abundant water present in chicken are helpful in improving digestion. Helpful in weight loss: Due to the high protein content in chicken, it helps in reducing appetite, which helps in the weight loss process. Low calorie: Chicken breast part is low in calories, which can be included in weight loss diet. Good source of protein: Chicken is rich in protein which is important for body growth and muscle building. Good for heart health: The protein and vitamin B-6 present in chicken help reduce the risk of heart disease. FAQ’s Q: What is Butter Chicken? A: Butter Chicken is a famous Indian dish in which chicken pieces are cooked in a creamy, spicy and delicious butter/ghee gravy. Q: How long does it take to make butter chicken? A: It may take about 45 minutes to 1 hour to make butter chicken. Q: What is butter chicken served with? A: Butter chicken is usually served with naan, roti, parantha, paratha or rice. But if you are adding this to keto diet have this with cauliflower rice. Q: How nutritious is butter chicken? A: It contains protein, some vitamins and minerals, but it is also high in fat and calories. Q: For how many days can butter chicken be stored in the refrigerator? A: It can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. To read and know more about keto visit here Written by:- Amisha

benefits of protein

“Unleash the Powerful Benefits of Protein: A Comprehensive Guide”

About There are a large number of benefits of protein, it is an important nutrient for the body. These biochemical compounds are made up of small molecules called amino acids. There are about 20 types of amino acids found in the body which combine to form different types of proteins. Proteins have primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. The primary structure is a chain of amino acids. The secondary structure consists of alpha helix and beta plate. Tertiary structure is the three-dimensional folding of a protein molecule. The quaternary structure is made up of several polypeptide chains. Functions of protien Structural – formation of muscles, skin, hair, nails etc. Immunity – making antibodies and immunoglobulin’s. Biological molecules – making hormones, enzymes that control various functions. Transportation – Plasma proteins carry oxygen and other substances in the blood. Protein Source: Major protein source are meat, fish, eggs, milk, curd, cheese, pulses, soybean, almonds, walnuts etc. Proteins are also found in plants but some essential amino acids are in less quantity. Protein deficiency can cause problems like growth restriction, muscle degradation, reduced immunity, delayed wound healing etc. Therefore it is important to take a protein-rich diet in the quantity prescribed by experts. Following are the benefits of protein: Here are some detailed description of benefits of protein as follows Muscle building and repair: Muscle building and repair is possible one of the possible main benefits of protein as it happens only in it’s presence. Amino acids, the small components of protein, provide the building blocks of muscle cells. Protein also compensates for the loss of muscles during exercise and physical activities. Protein not only helps in increasing the size of muscles but also maintains their strength and power. Therefore it is very important to consume an adequate protein diet for muscle growth and repair. Strengthening the immune system: Protein contributes to making important components of the immune system such as antibodies, immune cells and cytokines. These components help the body fight various infections and diseases. Protein also aids in the healing of wounds and injuries as it helps in the formation of new cells and tissues. Additionally, a protein-rich diet also provides the energy needed for immune cells. Help in wound healing: Protein plays an important role in the wound healing process. When a wound occurs, the body forms new tissue and blood vessels at that site. This manufacturing process requires proteins. Amino acids made from proteins are helpful in the formation of new cells and proteins. Additionally, the protein also contributes to reducing inflammation and infection at the wound site. Therefore, taking adequate protein rich diet is helpful in quick healing and healing of wounds. Strength of bones and teeth: Bones and teeth are made of protein. Proteins such as collagen are a major component of bone structure. Apart from this, protein also plays an important role in the growth and reconstruction of bones. Proteins like enamel and dentin are also found in teeth which help in maintaining their strength. Additionally, protein also increases the absorption of calcium and other minerals, which are needed to maintain strong bones and teeth. Weight management: The benefits of protein can be seen in its helpfulness in weight management. It not only prevents unnecessary eating by giving a feeling of satiety for a longer period of time, but it also helps in burning calories by increasing the metabolic rate. Additionally, protein preserves muscle mass while losing weight and helps appetite control mechanisms function properly, which improves fat burning. Therefore, the benefits of protein diet play an important role in reducing weight and maintaining a healthy body. Improves brain health: Another known fact among list of benefits of protein it is an essential nutrient for proper brain formation and functioning. Protein helps create neurotransmitters that facilitate message transmission between different parts of the brain. Additionally, it also provides a source of energy for the brain. Certain proteins also help form and repair nerve cells in the brain. Nutritional deficiency, including protein, is a major factor in cognitive decline in adults and the elderly. Therefore, consuming an adequate protein diet is helpful in maintaining brain health and improving memory, concentration and other cognitive functions even as we age. Therefore, consuming protein rich food is beneficial for the brain. Hormone Balance: There are numerous benefits of protein that play an important role in maintaining hormone balance in the body. It is helpful in the process of making hormones because amino acids, which are small molecules of proteins, are essential for making various hormones like steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, insulin etc. In addition, proteins also help regulate their effects by binding with hormone receptors, just as sex hormone binding globulin influences the effects of testosterone. Protein also improves insulin sensitivity and contributes to hormonal food regulation by influencing levels of leptin, ghrelin and cortisol, the hormones that control appetite and food consumption. Thus an adequate protein-rich diet is extremely important to maintain hormonal balance. Conclusion Benefits of protein is a very important nutrient for the body. It not only aids in building and repairing muscles, bones, skin and hair, but also contributes to the smooth functioning of the immune system, hormone levels and brain functions. Protein also plays an important role in weight management and wound healing. Therefore, people of all ages should include adequate amount of protein-rich food like meat, eggs, milk, curd, pulses etc. in their daily diet. With this, not only physical and mental health can be maintained, but various diseases can also be avoided. Therefore, protein is a very important ingredient in a balanced and nutritious diet.

Green Vegetables

Tofu Stir Fry with Green Vegetables: Flavorful recipe.

Here is a detailed vegetarian recipe for diabetes: Tofu Stir Fry with Green Vegetables “Tofu Stir Fry with Green Vegetables” is a nutritious dish that may be especially beneficial for individuals with diabetes because it has a low glycemic index and is high in fiber. The main ingredient in this recipe is tofu, which is a good source of protein and provides minimal carbohydrates, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Additionally, tofu is low in fat, making it a heart-healthy protein choice for individuals with diabetes. The green vegetables included in this stir fry, such as spinach, broccoli, and bell peppers, are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Fiber helps slow the absorption of sugar into the blood, preventing blood sugar levels from rising quickly after meals. Additionally, the vitamins and minerals found in vegetables are important for managing diabetes. Overall, “Tofu Stir Fry with Green Vegetables” provides a balanced meal option that supports blood sugar management and encourages general health for individuals with diabetes. Servings: 4 Ingredients: 250 grams tofu, cut into cubes. 2 cups green vegetables (cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage), chopped. 1 medium onion, chopped. 2 green chilies, chopped. 3-4 garlic cloves, grated. 1 teaspoon ginger, grated. 2 tablespoons soy sauce (low salt) 1 teaspoon vegetable oil Salt and pepper as per taste Freshly chopped coriander (for garnishing) Instruction and Preparation: First of all, heat a pan on medium flame and add vegetable oil in it. Cook the tofu: Add chopped tofu to hot oil and fry until golden and crispy. Remove in a bowl and keep aside. Cook vegetables: Now add green vegetables in the same pan.   Cook them lightly, until they become soft from the inside. Now add chopped onion, green chili, garlic and ginger. Add a little salt and pepper, and cook the green vegetables further, until they are soft and charred. Mix tofu with vegetables: Now add the cooked tofu back to the pan. Add soy sauce and mix well. Garnish with coriander and it’s ready! This vegetarian dish is rich in proteins, vitamins, and other nutritional elements, and has a moderate carbohydrate level. This can be a tasty and healthy option for diabetic individuals. FAQs Can I use firm or extra-firm tofu for this recipe? Yes, firm or extra-firm tofu is best for this recipe as it holds its shape well. Soft tofu may break excessively during cooking. How can I give tofu more flavor? To give tofu more flavor, you can marinate it before cooking. You can use a mixture of soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and sesame oil. Can I use frozen vegetables instead of fresh Green Vegetables? Yes, if fresh vegetables are not available, you can use frozen vegetables. Just note that they need to be heated before cooking and adjust the cooking time to this. What other vegetables can be used for stirring fry? You can use other vegetables as per your choice and what is available. Some good choices include bell peppers, broccoli, snap peas, mushrooms, and carrots. Can I use a different sauce for this recipe? Yes, you can customize the sauce as per your taste. You can use different sauces like teriyaki sauce, hoisin sauce, or sweet chili sauce. How do I press tofu before cooking? Pressing the tofu helps remove excess water, making it more flavorful and firmer. To press the tofu, wrap it in paper towel or clean kitchen towel, place it on a plate, and place a heavy object on top. Keep pressing for at least 15-30 minutes. benefits of “Tofu Stir Fry with Green Vegetables.” How is the recipe “Tofu Stir Fry with Green Vegetables” beneficial for diabetes? This recipe also contains green vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and bell peppers, which are a good source of fiber. It is beneficial for diabetes as fiber can help in controlling diabetes and can be helpful in keeping blood sugar levels under control. Adopting such tasty and healthy dishes adds variety to the daily diet and can help manage diabetes. written by – Pratima.

herbal supplement

A perfect herbal supplement for men: Kamasure

Kamasutra Herbal Supplements: A number of herbal supplement have long been linked to improving sexual relations and increasing strength, even though the Kama Sutra primarily concentrates on the art of love, intimacy, and relationships. The usefulness of these Kamasutra herbal supplement may differ from person to person, so it’s essential to keep that in mind and speak with a healthcare provider before using them regularly. The following Kamasutra herbal supplement or remedies have a long history of being related to sexual health and the Kama Sutra: 1. Shilajit: Shilajit ,one of the best Kamasutra herbal supplement known for its rejuvenating qualities, it is high in fulvic acid and minerals. This herbal supplement promotes sexual health and performance by increasing testosterone levels, boosting energy, and improving strength. By strengthening the immune system and improving nutritional absorption, shilajit additionally enhances general wellbeing. 2. Tribulus terrestris: Traditionally used to maintain reproductive health and boost sexual desire, the plant Tribulus terrestris is also known as Gokshura in Ayurveda. It’s said to raise testosterone levels, strengthen the erection, and boost general sexual satisfaction. Tribulus terrestris is frequently taken as herbal supplement or remedies. 3. Maca root: A cruciferous vegetable having a long history of use for its alleged erotic qualities, maca root is native to the Andes highlands of Peru. It is said to boost fertility in both men and women and increase desire. Maca root comes in a number of forms, such as extracts, powder, and capsules. 4. Horny goat weed: Also called as Epimedium, this blooming plant has long been utilized as a natural stimulant in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s said to boost sexual desire, strengthen erectile function, and improve intimacy. Horny goat weed may be purchased as a herbal supplement and is frequently used in combination with other herbs to create a combined effect. 5. Ashwagandha: Known as Indian ginseng, this adaptogenic plant is profoundly esteemed in Ayurveda for its ability to support energy, decrease pressure, and work on sexual capability. It is a well-liked option for people looking to increase desire and sexual stamina because it is said to assist hormonal balance and enhance general wellbeing. Kamasure herbal supplement is a wonderful herbal supplement, it describes the basic principles of the lessons of the Kama Sutra on life. Using a combination of strong herbs including ashwagandha, shilajit, and maca root, Kamasure herbal supplement provides desire, stamina, and hormonal balance in an extensive approach. Its all-natural components are specially chosen for their restorative qualities, which promote not just physical stimulation but also emotional fulfillment and connection. What is Kamasure? Kamasure herbal supplement or capsule is a perfect blend of herbs. It supports building tissues, provide stamina, and is useful in general durability and stress. Not only the above given herbs like ashwagandha,shilajit, and maca root. There are even many more herbal products like shatavari, safed musli, akarkara,arjun chaal,swarna bhasma,shudhakuchla, makardhwaj, muktashuki bhasma present in it. These Kamasure herbal supplement have their own benefits so lets know a bit about them also. Shatavari: The herbal supplement Asparagus racemosus, often known as shatavari, is a multipurpose plant that has been used for a very long time in traditional Ayurvedic treatment. Safed Musli: It is a native Indian medicinal plant, technically known as Chlorophytum borivilianum. Safed Musli is highly valued in ancient Ayurvedic medicine as a powerful adaptogen and aphrodisiac. For generations, people have used it to increase vigor, improve sexual wellness, and improve general wellbeing. It is also used to promote lifespan and is said to have rejuvenating qualities. Akarkara: Anacyclus pyrethrum, often referred to as akarkara, is a natural plant of the Mediterranean and specific parts of Central Asia.For decades, Akarkara has been utilized in traditional Ayurvedic and Unani medicine because to its stimulant, stimulant, and tonic qualities. It is thought to increase sexual desire, promote sexual arousal, and improve general vitality. Akarkara is also used to relieve toothaches, boost digestive health, and support oral health. Arjun Chaal : Originating from the Terminalia arjuna tree, a plant indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, comes Arjun Chaal, sometimes called Arjuna Bark. Arjun Chaal has been utilized for ages in Ayurvedic medicine because of its beneficial effects on the heart. It is said to increase circulation, strengthen the heart muscle, and control blood pressure. Arjun Chaal is also used to treat cardiac arrest, heart palpitations, and breathing difficulties which are signs of cardiovascular problems. Swarna Bhasma: Purified gold is used to make Swarna Bhasma, also called “Swarnamakshika Bhasma” or “Gold Bhasma,” a traditional Ayurvedic preparation. Swarna Bhasma is used in Ayurvedic medicine to strengthen immunity, increase vitality, and encourage long life. Additionally, it is said to strengthen memory, promote mental clarity, and assist memory retention. Furthermore, Swarna Bhasma is utilized to treat a number of chronic conditions, such as diabetes, respiratory issues, and arthritis. Shuddha Kuchla: Purified a chemical a strong chemical obtained from the seeds of the Strychnos nux-vomica tree, is referred to as “Shuddha Kuchla”. Shuddha Kuchla is used in small amounts as a strong nerve tonic and stimulant in Ayurvedic medicine. It is applied in the treatment of many neurological conditions such as paralysis, shaking sensations, seizures, and discomfort connected to the nerves. It is said to possess rejuvenating qualities. Benefits of kamasure herbal supplement Kamasure “extends performance testosterone boost” is another product meant to raise male testosterone levels. These supplements frequently make the promise to enhance energy levels, muscular growth, and sexual function, among other elements of male health. But just as with other supplement, you should approach them cautiously and do your homework. Consideration should be given to the ingredients, possible adverse effects, and combinations with prescription drugs or pre-existing medical problems. It is best to check with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement plan to be sure it is safe and suitable for your requirements. To know more or buy this product you can visit our website. Written By:- Pratima

Chia seeds benefit

Chia seeds benefit and side effect for females

Understanding chia seeds benefit for females With so many health advantages, we see chia seeds benefit for females in the rapidly changing world of nutrition and health. They have great nutritional value and a wide range of uses, which makes them necessary for daily use. Chia Seeds benefit for Bone Health Chia seeds benefit for females is remarkable it does wonders for women. With time, the bone density of women tends to decrease. These seeds are a rich source of the three required minerals: calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. That work for bone health in harmony to secure bone structure and prevent the decline of bones. Including them in your diet is another step towards maintaining strong, healthy, and resilient bones. Chia Seeds an ally to heart-healthy Another chia seeds benefit for females is that they support cardiovascular health. Because women are more easily influenced by heart disease, they should consume a high concentration of omega-3. By lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation, these good fats significantly lessen the likelihood of developing heart-related problems. How Chia Seeds Benefit Reproductive Health They are also great for the reproductive system. The plentiful amount of folate in chia seeds makes them an essential component of the diet given to a mother before birth, aiding in the proper development of the baby. They are also a good source of antioxidants, which help reduce stress, which is beneficial for the foetus. Hormones with Chia Seeds The substance called folate found in Chia seeds is beneficial for mothers before giving birth. It helps in proper development of the baby. The antioxidants a good for reducing the stress creating a stress-free environment for the fetus. Management of weight Chia seeds are high in fibre and also also contain good amount of protein, which can promote a feeling of fullness. With you trying to maintain your current weight over working on weight loss journey, adding them to a daily regime can be helpful. For Skin and Hair Health Women’s skin, and hair health tend to get better with the use of Chia seeds. we know that they are rich and anti-oxidants and omega-3 which nourishes and restore skins youthfulness and gives glowing complexion. Not only that they also nourish hair and prevent dryness and premature graying of hair. Some chia seeds side effects in females Digestive Issues The high fiber content can be helpful for gut health, but there are some chia seed side effects in females that cause issues for some people, like bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. Only when taken in large amounts. It’s important to introduce chia seeds slowly and gradually into your diet. Interactions with Medications Some other chia seeds side effects in females are when used with certain medications, such as blood thinners, diabetes medications, and thyroid medications. High fiber can obstruct the absorption of these medications. Women taking any medications should consult with their healthcare provider before significantly increasing their chia seed intake. Allergic Reactions In limited number of people, allergy reaction is seen. These allergic reaction may cause symptoms like hives, rash, shortness of breath, swelling, and dizziness. With food allergies, be aware before consuming them. Choking Hazard It’s necessary to soak them in water before taking chia seeds or grinding them into a powder. Dry chia seeds can cause choking, especially for young children. Soaking them or grinding them before consumption can lower the danger of choking. Dry chia seed can be hazardous, especially for children. Hormone Interactions The omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants found in chia seeds may have some good effects on the hormone levels of some people, like PCOS or menopause. But it could also cause chia seeds side effects in females with some endocrine disorders. Consulting a doctor before hand is suggested. Conclusion In conclusion, chia seeds are a powerful superfood. They are beneficial for bone health, heart wellness, fertility, hormonal balance, weight management, and skin and hair care. They offer a broad spectrum of benefits that work with a lot of the unique needs and concerns of women. By including them in your daily meals, you use nature’s medicine to cure your health. But they also have some side effects so remember to use them in a limited quantity or after consulting a health care professional. Written By :-Amisha
