Zucchini Noodles

Zucchini Noodles with Pesto and Grilled Chicken: Tempting recipe

Zucchini Noodles with Pesto and Grilled Chicken

“Zucchini Noodles with Pesto and Grilled Chicken” is a delicious and healthy dish that combines zucchini noodles in a flavorful pesto sauce and is topped with tender grilled chicken. This is a low-carb, gluten-free option that is especially suitable for individuals who want to cook out of laziness or are looking for a healthy morning meal. The unique flavor of the green leaves, the crispness of the zucchini, and the freshness of the grilled chicken come together in this dish, making it a wonderful choice.

First, here is the detailed recipe of “Zucchini Noodles with Pesto and Grilled Chicken”:


Zucchini – 2 mediums sized
Chicken Breast – 2 pieces
Pesto Sauce – 1/2 cup
Oil – 2 spoons
Salt and pepper – as per taste
Parmesan cheese – for garnish


1. First of all, wash and clean the zucchini and remove its peel. Then cut it into noodle shapes or use a noodle cutter.

2. Wash, clean and thinly slice the chicken breasts.

3. Now, preheat the grill.

4. Mix the oil, salt, and pepper in a bowl and toss the chicken.

5. Now, grill the chicken on the grill, until it is cooked and turns golden.

6. Heat some oil in a pan and add noodles.

7. Cook the zucchini until slightly wrinkled, until soft and slightly gooey.

8. Now, place these noodles on a plate and pour pesto sauce over it.

9. Top with grilled chicken and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Serve with freshly chopped herbs.
Serve it hot and enjoy!


The recipe “Zucchini Noodles with Pesto and Grilled Chicken” offers several health benefits:

Low in Carbohydrates and Calories: These noodles are lower in carbohydrates than similar traditional pasta, making this dish suitable for those trying to reduce carbohydrate intake or control weight. Additionally, zucchini is low in calories, making this dish helpful in weight control.

Rich in nutrients: Zucchini contains vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and other nutrients, which are beneficial for the body. It also contains fiber, which improves digestion and helps in keeping the diet balanced.

High Protein:

Grilled chicken contains a good amount of protein, which helps in muscle growth and maintains the balance of the diet.

Benefits of Pesto Sauce:

Pesto sauce contains bezoars, oils, and phytonutrients, which promote physical health and improve skin health. People with diabetes can enjoy this.

Furthermore, this dish is delicious and different flavors and ingredients can be used to adapt to different tastes.

Serving Suggestions:

This dish can be served both hot or cold, making it a versatile option for lunch or dinner. It can also be considered served with a crisp side salad or roasted vegetables, providing additional beneficial features like nutrients and fiber. Add cherry tomatoes, roasted red bell peppers or any other favorite veggies to customize it with veggies of your choice.


1. Can I use store bought pesto sauce instead of making my own?

Yes, you can absolutely use store bought pesto sauce to save time. Just make sure you choose a good quality pesto sauce.

2. Can I use other proteins like tofu or shrimp in place of the grilled chicken?

Yes, you can use other protein source of your choice. Choose tofu, shrimp, or any other protein you like.

3. Can I use pesto sauce the next day?

Yes, you can refrigerate pesto sauce and store it in a structured manner. Keep in mind that exposure to sunlight can gradually reduce its flavor, so you need to keep that in mind.

4. Can I use any other vegetable instead of zucchini?

Yes, you can use any vegetable of your choice. Many people use carrots, broccoli, or cauliflower.

5. Can I use some other sauce instead of pesto sauce?

Yes, you can use any other sauce like lemon butter sauce or tomato sauce. Choose any sauce as per your choice and taste.

written by – Pratima

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