type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes: uncover more about it


Type 1 diabetes is considered an auto-immune condition. The immune system attacks producing cells in the pancreas, resulting in known production. Although it can develop at any stage, it affects people, especially during childhood or adolescence. With type 1 diabetes, lifelong treatment is required as their bodies produce insulin on their own. Increased thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, weight loss, fatigue, and blurred vision are some symptoms that often develop rapidly. This kind of diabetes cannot be prevented or cured, but with proper management, any individual can lead a healthy life, which can reduce the risk of other health complications.


It is necessary to understand how type 1 diabetes causes treatment and long-term complications in order to detect it.

1. Increased thirst:

Needing to drink more water than usual and feeling exceedingly thirsty. Experiencing dry mouth and frequently needing a beverage.

2. Extreme hunger:

Feeling the need to eat more, even after knee surgery, and experiencing constant. Despite eating, people with type 1 diabetes always feel unsatisfied and hungry.

3. Fatigue:

The feeling of being always tired and lacking energy, even after having ample amounts of rest. The body is able to convert glucose into energy, which makes you feel weak.

4. Frequent urination:

Needing to urinate more than usual is a sign that your kidneys are working to remove the excess amount of sugar from your bloodstream.

5. Blurred vision:

A blurred vision is also a sign ofa high blood sugar level affecting your eyes fluids and causing a temporary change. With proper management of blood sugar, blurred vision may improve.

6. Mood changes:

Feeling mixed emotions like anger, gloom, or going through mood swings without knowing why. Blood sugar fluctuations can have an impact on energy and mood, which might result in worry, impatience, or mood swings.

7. Yeast infections:

Growing a yeast infection, like thrush, vaginal yeast infection, or fungal infection. High blood sugar levels create an ideal environment for yeast to thrive.


Several risk factors increase the chances of developing type 1 diabetes.

1. Family history:

If you have a family member with type 1 diabetes, you are at risk of suffering from the same disease.

2. ⁠ Genetics:

Certain kinds of genes play an important role in increasing the likelihood of type 1 diabetes. Specific gene types related to the immune system increase sensitivity.

3. ⁠ Autoimmune disease:

Suffering from auto-immune diseases like thyroid, Celiac disease, or lupus can also increase the risk of developing type 1 diabetes.

4. Viral infection:

During childhood, certain kinds of viral infections might trigger an immune response in the body, leading to type 1 diabetes.

5. Childhood diet:

According to some studies, developing type 1 diabetes depends on childhood diet, such as the timing of the introduction of certain foods or breastfeeding, which may influence the risk.

6. Exposure to environmental toxins:

Certain environmental toxins and pollutants present in the air, water, soil, or food that can negatively impact human health. These substances may include chemicals like pesticides, heavy metals such as lead and mercury, air pollutants like particulate matter and ozone, as well as industrial by products like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins. Exposure to these toxins can disrupt various bodily functions, including the immune system, potentially increasing the risk of developing type 1 diabetes and other health conditions.

Natural herbs that help with type 1 diabetes

1. Cinnamon

According to some studies Cinnamon helps in lowering the blood sugar level and improves insulin sensitivity

2. Fenugreek:

The seeds contain some type of soluble fiber and compound that helps in lowering the blood sugar level and improves insulin sensitivity

3. Bitter melon:

It contains a compound that gives insulin like effects helping lower. The blood sugar level studies have shown promising results, but more research is needed to be done.

4. Berberine:

It has anti inflammatory properties due to which it helps in diabetes and conditions with inflammation.


In conclusion Type 1 diabetes is a condition where insulin-producing beta cells are destroyed in the pancreas. It is an auto-immune disease, and it causes insulin deficiency. an imbalance in blood sugar levels. There is no known cause of it, but it is believed a combination of genetics, environmental factors, and immune system imbalance is responsible for its development. If you’re aware of risk factors like your family, history, genetics, autoimmune diseases, viral infection, and childhood diet, it can be timely diagnosed and managed. Despite the difficulties people face with type 1 diabetes, they have happy and productive lives. By receiving the right medication, lifestyle changes, and routine monitoring of sugar levels.


Written By:- Amisha

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